Clo5e Ratio Update 13-6-18
Further to our previous update we have the following news.
We have received the samples of the new design of selector and have been trying hard to break them. We fitted a sample in to one of the Race bikes that had originally had a failure, and in over 60 laps at race pace on Monday there were no issues and no failure. After further discussion with the manufacturer it appears there is a manufacturing process that is more expensive that can improve the selector further. These are being manufactured now. We are told they will be with us in 4 to 6 weeks time. Existing owners will obviously not be charged extra for the new design, although this will mean that gearboxes may have to be slightly more expensive after this point.
In further bad news, we’ve been told of three additional selector failures in bikes at the Euro Lambretta run. This is clearly now an unacceptable risk and a serious safety issue. I’m sorry but I must now insist that you should not continue to run your new gearbox until you’ve been supplied and fitted the new design selector.
We have managed to learn a little more regarding how the failures occur. We supplied 100 selectors to a local company with magnetic crack testing equipment. After testing they found 3 selectors with microfractures in the selector ring originating from the sharp corner where the leg meets the ring (the location we previously identified as the weak point). These fractures were not visible to the naked eye. The fractures are extremely small but we are confident would propagate in use and then fail. The equipment used could not pick up cracks smaller than those found, that is not to say no cracks are present in the others tested. This further backs up our decision to stop you from using the gearbox, as the power level of the bike would not be relevant to this failure mode.
Once again I must apologise for the inconvenience, but we are nearly there now! I’m sorry that we have to stop you using the gearbox just as we begin to get the good weather. I’ll keep you up to date as I we get more information.
I wish to ensure all the original selectors are destroyed. As per my first update, I’ll ask you to return the original selector so that I can send you the replacement. If it is possible I’d recommend removing the original selector and sending it back to us now, so there will be no delay in my sending your replacement. Please put the package for the attention of Karen and include a note with you name, tel number and address.
Best regards
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